A partnership is an unincorporated association of two or more people who act as co-owners of a business for profit. Under New Jersey business law, a partnership may be created even when there is no written partnership agreement between the parties (this is known as “defacto partnership.” However, just like…
Articles Posted in Business Law
The Consequences of “Liars Loans”
Our transactional attorneys handle many types of commercial and real estate transactions, from closings on homes, office buildings, factories, to commercial transactions including the sale of all or part of a business. The overwhelming majority of these transactions require the purchaser to take out a loan to finance the purchase.…
Solid Waste Registration
Businesses wishing to transport solid waste in New Jersey are required to strictly comply with the registration process governed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Our attorneys help solid waste haulers in complying with these requirements, and obtaining approval to haul solid waste in New Jersey. This is…
New Jersey Formation: Choosing the Optimal Structure: LLC or S Corporation?
It is important to consider certain essential factors when choosing which type of business entity for your new business. In order to reach your goals and find the best fit for your company, you should consider protection from liability, taxation mechanisms, ease of formation, and your future requirements for raising…
Bulk Sales Provisions
The Bulk Sales Act was enacted in 2007, expanding upon the prior bulk sales law previously codified in 1995. This law requires the parties in a transaction to notify the New Jersey Division of Taxation regarding certain transfers of property so that the Division can determine if there are any…
New Jersey Make Major Revisions to Its Limited Liability Company Law
The Legislature has recently made important changes to the laws governing New Jersey limited liability companies, which were effective March 1, 2014. The new revisions make drastic changes to the way New Jersey law treats limited liability companies. The law still allows the owners of a limited liability company to…
Enforceability of Letters of Intent
A letter of intent is a document executed generally by businesses to outline the basic terms of a commercial transaction, whether that be a complicated sale of goods or services or a real estate transaction. A letter of intent is entered into in the early stages of negotiation, when major…
UCC Liens and Securing Creditors’ Rights
A lien is a legal claim on property based upon a debt owed to the lien holder or creditor. It allows a creditor to use the debtor’s property as security when a debtor fails to repay a debt. It provides excellent protection for collection of a bad debt. For instance,…
Internet Gambling in New Jersey
Gambling is one of the many activities that are regulated primarily by state laws (as opposed to federal laws). On February 26, 2013, New Jersey Governor Christie signed into law legislation allowing internet gambling, making New Jersey only the third state to allow internet gambling (after Nevada and Delaware). While…
New Jersey’s Administrative Law Courts
As our society has grown more complex, the government has been forced to take on more responsibilities. It created administrative agencies in the executive department, including for example, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Board of Public Utilities, the Merit System Board, the Department of Community Affairs, the Casino Control…