A problem our employment attorneys frequently encounter is complaints of nepotism in the hiring and promotion of public school teachers. While the hiring of relatives is not per se illegal in New Jersey public schools, there are significant restrictions on it. The New Jersey Legislature and the New Jersey Department…
New Jersey Lawyers Blog
Attorneys Fees in New Jersey Civil Service Appeals
The financial burden of a civil service appeal discourages many employees from filing. However, a successful employee may be able to recover the attorneys fees she spent on the appeal. Our attorneys handle civil service appeals for all of New Jersey’s Public Employees, such as police officers, teachers, firefighters, and…
Business Partnerships: Taxes and Other Considerations
A partnership is an unincorporated association of two or more people who act as co-owners of a business for profit. Under New Jersey business law, a partnership may be created even when there is no written partnership agreement between the parties (this is known as “defacto partnership.” However, just like…
Estate and Elder Care Planning after Being Diagnosed with Dementia
Frequently, when you or a family member are first diagnosed with dementia, you still have the capacity and are legally “competent” to make your own estate planning decisions. The four documents discussed here will assist a person with dementia and their loved ones as the disease progresses and they no…
Forfeiture of Public Employment for Conviction of a Crime, and the Supreme Court’s Decisions on Waivers of Forfeiture of Public Employment
Our employment attorneys represent New Jersey Civil Service employees in appeals of disciplinary action. Recently, New Jersey’s Supreme Court had the opportunity to clarify some of the circumstances in which a government employee can obtain a waiver of the rule that he forfeit his job when convicted of a criminal…
The Effect of the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy: Benefits, Exceptions and Limitations
Bankruptcy provides relief to a debtor who may be struggling to keep a house, keep the lights on, or pay credit card or medical bills. The relief provided is in the form of an automatic stay, exemptions to protect your most essential assets, and a discharge of a portion of…
The Consequences of “Liars Loans”
Our transactional attorneys handle many types of commercial and real estate transactions, from closings on homes, office buildings, factories, to commercial transactions including the sale of all or part of a business. The overwhelming majority of these transactions require the purchaser to take out a loan to finance the purchase.…
Fighting New Jersey’s Rule of Three
One of the prime methods of hiring, firing, promotion and discipline of public employees is New Jersey’s civil service. Attorneys from our firm represent employees in appeals from actions by their civil service employers. One of the most significant issues in the civil service hiring process our employment attorneys have…
Fair Labor Standards Act Regulations
Background: New Regulations Adopted In 2014 the United State Department of Labor issued new regulations governing overtime exemptions. The regulations did not change the main overtime exemptions, but it did raise the salary threshold for them to apply. Existing Exemptions The three main exemptions cover executive, professional and administrative…
Changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) is a federal statute enacted in 1938 with the goal of setting national standards for employees, including minimum wage, overtime requirements, child labor restrictions, and other protections. Our employment attorneys represent management and employers in litigation under FLSA violations and litigation about its state…