Articles Posted in Labor and Employment

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The New Jersey First Act makes it mandatory for many public officers and employees to live in New Jersey. The law, which went into effect September 1, 2011, requires all New Jersey state and local government employees to reside in New Jersey unless otherwise exempted. This includes, for example, employees of public agencies, commissions, public institutions of higher education, and school boards.

Employees who were already employed as of September 1, 2011 are grandfathered in, meaning they are not required to meet the residency requirement and are not required to move to New Jersey if they were not required to under prior law. However, those who begin working after September 1, 2011 must reside in New Jersey. If they do not, they have one year following the start of their employment to relocate to New Jersey. If the new employee does not move within a one year period, she may be removed from her position. The September 1, 2011 cutoff date is determined based upon when the employee actually started working, not when she received an offer of employment.

If there is a break in employment of more than seven days, an employee previously grandfathered in, may lose that status and become subject to the residency requirement. A “break in public service,” while not set forth in the language of the law, is defined by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission as “an actual separation from employment for more than seven calendar days due to such causes as resignation, retirement, layoff, or disciplinary removal.” Generally, a resignation for the purposes of a new public appointment in the same governmental jurisdiction is not considered a break in public service.
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man and woman.jpg The Unites States Census Bureau has consistently found that women are paid less than men every year. Indeed, the National Women’s Law Center found that in New Jersey in 2012, a woman made approximately 79 cents for every dollar a man made. These discrepancies do not just account for females in different careers from males, but that this pay differential is also present for females in the same or similar fields as their male counterparts.

While New Jersey does not have as wide a gap between men and women as some other states, the pay gap is still clear and ongoing. While discrimination against women has constituted a violation of New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination for decades, it is often difficult to prove. For instance, an employer can simply say that its female employee was being paid less than a similarly situated male employee because the male employee had better qualifications or performed better. It would be rare for an employer to have two employees, one male and one female, who had the same education, the same grades, attended the same schools, had the same level of experience and measures of success, and performed or produced exactly the same. Therefore, it is difficult to prove that any pay discrepancy is due to gender and not some other valid reason.

However, even more basic than that, the employee would have to be able to find out in the first place that she was in fact being paid less than what she would be paid if she were male. Indeed, many employers have a strict policy of forbidding employees from discussing their salaries, wages, or other benefits. While employers have a right to make the determination about what they will pay their employees, employers cannot take something such as gender into account when making that determination, just as employers cannot alter their payments as a result of race or religious beliefs.
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computer.jpg It has become common to hear news stories about employees who posted something on their personal Facebook, or other social media sites, and then got fired as a result of that post. Indeed, employers have, more and more, started to use social media sites as a way of monitoring their employees, even to the point of requiring passwords or access to otherwise “private” websites or submissions.

However, beginning on December 1, 2013, New Jersey will follow the growing trend in other states in enacting legislation which will bar New Jersey employers from asking employees or potential employees for access to their personal social media accounts. This comports with the recent New Jersey law enacted in 2012 which bans colleges from requiring applicants to provide social media account passwords.

This new law specifically prohibits employers from requesting or requiring employees’ usernames, passwords, or other access to personal accounts on websites such as Twitter and Facebook. Further, employees cannot even waive this right. Any waiver of this right is deemed void.
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New_York_City_Hall.jpgHistorically and as a matter of public policy, public entities are immune from suit pursuant to the doctrine of “sovereign immunity.” The New Jersey Tort Claims Act, however, creates limited exceptions to sovereign immunity. People are therefore permitted to sue for injuries but must comply with the strict requirements of the Tort Claim Act.

New Jersey’s Tort Claims Act requires that persons who have claims against a governmental entity or its employee notify the public entity within ninety days from the date the claim accrues. The notice must contain the name and address of the claimant, the date, place and circumstances of the occurrence, a general description of the injury, the damage or loss sustained, and the name of the public entity or the employees responsible. Each municipality may have its own tort claim notice form. Failure to provide notice is an absolute bar to later recovery against a governmental unit or its employees. It is therefore critical to ensure compliance with the notice provisions of the Tort Claim Act.

After notice of tort claim is submitted, the government is then permitted a six month review the claim before a lawsuit can be filed. A lawsuit can be filed upon the expiration of the six month period. However, not every injury gives rise to a cause of action that requires providing the municipality with notice and then waiting six months. For example, the Tort Claims Act does not apply to statutory claims such as those brought under New Jersey’s Conscientious Employee Protection Act and New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination. However, because the Tort Claims Act will bar a covered but late claim, it is better to comply now than find out later you were wrong.

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teachers apple.jpg Because of the high level of public concern over New Jersey’s children, teaching is a highly regulated and scrutinized industry. Not only are teachers required to meet significantly high standards of education and training, and, in most cases, to have specialized knowledge in their field, but they must also maintain a level of behavior and continued education to maintain their teaching certificates.

If a school board terminates a teacher, or otherwise refuses to renew a teacher’s contract, that school board is required, in some circumstances, to alert the New Jersey State Board of Examiners of discontinuation of employment. For instance, a school district is required to report a discontinuation of a teacher’s employment – even if that is due to the teacher’s resignation or retirement – if the teacher is accused of a criminal offense or “unbecoming conduct.”

The Board of Examiners is the state licensing agency which reviews and monitors teachers. IT has the power to bestow, deny, suspend, or revoke a teacher’s license. The Board of Examiners may revoke or suspend a teacher’s certificate if the teacher demonstrates inefficiency, incapacity, conduct unbecoming a teacher or for any other just cause – such as being convicted of a crime. However, the Board of Examiners cannot revoke or suspend a New Jersey teacher’s certificate unless it gives the teacher notice and the opportunity to be heard.
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national-gallery-of-art-1380105-m.jpgAs our society has grown more complex, the government has been forced to take on more responsibilities. It created administrative agencies in the executive department, including for example, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Board of Public Utilities, the Merit System Board, the Department of Community Affairs, the Casino Control Commission, and Health and Senior Services. These agencies regulate in their respective areas, investigate and prosecute violations, and make decisions and issue penalties. These agencies are known as the “fourth branch” because they combine the functions of all three government branches.

The New Jersey Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) is an independent state agency that provides independent and neutral hearings over these agency’s actions and rulemaking procedures. Administrative Law Judges (“ALJs”) hold trials to determine facts and make recommended decisions when individuals dispute agency actions. The agency itself then makes final decisions based on the ALJ’s opinion, which can be appealed to the Appellate Division of New Jersey’s Superior Court, and then to the New Jersey Supreme Court.

What To Expect At An OAL Hearing

A request for a hearing should be sent to the appropriate state agency making a decision. That agency will then send the case to the OAL for a hearing. In “contested cases” an ALJ will be assigned, and hold a trial. The ALJ makes a recommended decision which it sends to the agency that sent the case to the OAL. The head of that agency will review the opinion and has the right to adopt, reject, or modify the opinion. That agency’s head is the final decision maker. An appeal of the final decision is available to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court within forty-five days of the date of the final decision.

Notice of Filing

When a case is sent to the OAL a Notice of Filing or a Notice of Filing and Hearing is mailed to all the parties. The notice will identify the agency that sent the request and will generally contain information that can help a party prepare for a hearing, including the issues that will be discussed at the hearing.
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family walk.jpg New Jersey has recently enacted the Security and Financial Empowerment Act (“SAFE Act“). This law requires many public and private employers to allow employees to take an unpaid leave of absence up to 20 days in any 12-month period if that employee or someone in the employee’s immediate family (child, parent, or spouse) is a victim of domestic violence or a sexually violent offense.

The leave must be taken for the purposes of seeking medical attention or recovering from physical or psychological injuries, obtaining services from a victim services organization, obtaining counseling, participating in safety planning or relocation, or seeking legal assistance or other legal remedies as a result of sexual or domestic violence.

Each incident of domestic violence or a sexually violent offense is considered separate, each providing for up to 20 days of leave. Leave may be taken intermittently, as opposed to all together, but must be taken in full days. Therefore, if the person taking leave only needs to be out of work from 2-5p.m. on Monday and Thursday, she may take leave on both Monday and Thursday, but one full day of the leave will be credited, even if she is only gone one half day (she must, of course, be paid for the time she worked).

Although the employer is only required to grant unpaid leave, an employee may elect or an employer may require that the employee use paid vacation, sick, or personal time for all or part of the leave.
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Almost 29 million people over 16 years old had a disability. Of these,
approximately 6,000,000, or 21 per cent, were in the labor force, compared with almost 150,000,000 million people without a disability, for a 68 per cent participation rate.

Discrimination is prohibited under both New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (the LAD), and the federal Americans With Disabilities Act (the “ADA”. New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination considers a wide range of conditions to be “disabilities,” thus providing a far more extensive scope of coverage than the Americans With Disabilities Act. New Jersey’s courts have expressly ruled that a disability does not need to be severe. Examples demonstrating this wide scope of coverage include court rulings that the following are protected disabilities: obesity; alcoholism; heart attacks; back ailments; varicose veins; cancer; removal of the kidneys, adrenal glands, lymph nodes and ribs; mastectomies; coronary bypass surgery; alcoholism and other substance abuse; gender dysphoria; transsexualism; and shoulder and arm injuries.
Indeed even perceived handicaps are protected.

Disability discrimination in any manner is prohibited under both acts. However, disability discrimination generally falls into three areas – direct adverse termination actions, harassment, and failure to accommodate.

Adverse employment action discrimination is straightforward. An employer may not fire, fail to promote, pay less, or in any other way treat a disabled employee differently than an able-bodied employee solely because of her disability, provided the employee can perform her job with “reasonable accommodation.”

Second, an employer may not harass an employee because of her disability to the point of creating a severe or pervasive hostile work environment. Examples of harassment include name calling, offensive remarks about the employee’s disability, public (in front of co-workers or customers, etc.) criticism or yelling, inconsistent treatment (for example, giving a work schedule which is more inconvenient that those given to non-disabled employees, or denying training opportunities), intentional exclusion from critical work meetings or social functions; displaying offensive materials at work; unfair or disparate denial of vacation; threats of discipline or firing; and physical violence or intimidation.
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Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for stock-photo-8816958-no-smoking-please.jpg
New Jersey passed the Smoke Free Air Act in 2006. The Act is part of New Jersey’s effort to eliminate tobacco use because it is a significant public health threat. The United States Surgeon General has declared that secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard that leads to premature death in children and non-smoking adults.
The Smoke Free Air Act serve an important public purpose: Banning smoking in indoor “workplaces” and “public access” places. The Act ensures that people have same smoke-free workplaces and citizens can breathe smoke-free air in public places. Almost every place outside the home is affected, except for registered cigar bars.

In New Jersey, smoking is banned in places such as offices, restaurants, factories, bowling alleys, stores, malls, hotels (twenty percent of the rooms may be used for smoking), and private clubs. It is banned outside grammar schools and high schools. Smoking is also prohibited in workplaces and within twenty-five feet of a workplace. A “workplace” includes any area where some type of service or labor is performed, regardless of how much time workers spend working. “Workplace” also includes locations were volunteer work is performed. The Act applies to smoke break areas outside of the building, including outdoor patios and decks that are attached to a building

Recently an amendment was passed which bans the use of an electronic smoking device (i.e., “e-cigarette”) in indoor public places and workplaces. New Jersey is the first state to pass the “e-cigarette” law.
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The minimum wage in New Jersey is $7.25 per hour. New Jersey law requires that all “non-exempt” private sector employees must receive “overtime” pay – one and a half times their normal hourly rate – for all time worked in any given week in excess of forty hours.

While New Jersey, like all states, has the option of providing a higher minimum wage, New Jersey’s current minimum only just meets the federal requirement of a $7.25 per hour minimum wage, which went into effect July 24, 2009.

Exempt employees are those who work in executive, administrative, or professional capacities. In any of these categories, the employee must made at least $455 per week to be exempt from overtime requirements.
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