New Jersey employment law is a comprehensive system which provides some of the strongest protections in the nation for New Jersey employees. New Jersey employees are protected against discrimination and whistle-blowing retaliation. New Jersey employment law provides for leave of absence for childbirth, adoption of a child, or serious health conditions. New Jersey has its own wage and hour laws that regulate minimum wage and overtime pay for New Jersey employees.
New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination
The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (the “LAD”) applies to all employers. The LAD prohibits discrimination or harassment in employment for a prohibited reason, including race, religion, color, gender, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, marriage status, domestic partnership or civil union status, sexual orientation, identity, and disability. The list of protected job-related activities is expansive and includes recruitment, interviewing, hiring, promotions, discharge, compensation, and any term, condition or privilege of employment.
The LAD prohibits both intentional and inadvertent discrimination because of a discriminatory animus or bias. Intentional discrimination includes different treatment of individuals, as well as harassing statements or overt conduct. Indirect discrimination can include practices or policies that have an adverse impact on employees of protected categories. For example, requiring workers to be over six foot tall may have a disparate impact on woman and therefore violates the LAD. If, however, an employer can establish that the requirement is necessary to perform the job and there is no alternative available, then the policy would not violate the LAD.
New Jersey Whistle Blowing Protection
The Conscientious Employee Protection Act (“CEPA”) prohibits New Jersey employers from retaliating against employees who disclose, object to, or refuse to participate in actions which they reasonably believe are either illegal or in violation of public policy. CEPA protects all New Jersey employees and independent contractors. The New Jersey Supreme Court has described CEPA as the most far-reaching whistleblower statute in the nation. CEPA has been found so expansive that it even protects employees who erroneously accuse their employer of a wrong doing in good faith. New Jersey employees should beware, however, that in most circumstances they must advise a supervisor, in writing, and give reasonable time to correct the problem.
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