Articles Tagged with drafting wills in New Jersey

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New Jersey estate law makes having a well-written will crucial.

At first glance, the concept of creating a will may seem somewhat morbid or uncomfortable. After all, the process involves contemplating our mortality and deciding on the distribution of our assets after we’re gone. However, there is a compelling case to be made about the importance of having a will. Not having a will leaves your assets to be transferred according to New Jersey estateus-supreme-court-300x200 law when you pass, and not according to your own wishes.  That is why our New Jersey estate planning attorneys firmly believe in the importance of having a will, helping you face the legal complexities of making sure the law will enforce your wishes when you pass, and helping provide peace of mind and security for you and your loved ones.

First, a will gives you complete control over the distribution of your assets. Without this legal document, New Jersey intestacy law will determine how your property is divided among your heirs after you pass. This could potentially lead to a distribution that is not in line with your wishes. For instance, you may want to leave certain items to friends or charities, but without a will this would not be possible.

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