Articles Tagged with New Jersey construction contracts

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New Jersey construction contractors and suppliers often have difficulty collecting money due them for their work or supplies.  One of the tools available to help ensure payment is including a personal guarantee in their construction contracts.  However, personal guarantees have certain requirements.  The Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey addressed this issue inhouse-225x300 the case of Extech Building Services, Inc. vs. E&N Construction, Inc., Shawn Roney and Joaquim Ferreira, et al.


Extech Building Services, Inc., was the supplier of building materials on a construction project for the general contractor, E&N Construction, Inc.  There was a written six paragraph agreement in which Extech extended credit for the project to E&N.  The last paragraph of the agreement also had a provision for personal guarantees; however, the identity of the guarantors was not provided.  There were three signature lines.  Two had the names of Shawn Roney and Joaquim Ferreira, who were executives at E&N, which were signed; a third line was blank and unsigned.

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