U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Employer’s Burden for Proving that Employee is Exempt From Overtime
In lawsuits where employees claim their employer wrongfully withheld overtime or minimum wage, if the employer claims that the employees were “exempt” it bears the burden of proving that they actually met the requirements of the exemption under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. There was a split among the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals regarding what that burden of proof was. The United States Supreme Court has now resolved that conflict in the case of E.M.D. Sales Inc. v. Carrera.
Wage and Hour Protections for New Jersey Employees
New Jersey employment law provides that employers must pay minimum wage and overtime to most employees unless they are exempt. The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act provides similar protections. The main exemptions under both Federal and New Jersey employment law are similar. Administrative, executive, professional and “outside sales” employees are exempt from minimum wage and overtime provided they make a minimum salary.