Articles Tagged with New Jersey teaching certificate suspension

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New Jersey teachers are required to possess certificates issued by the State Department of Education in order to be employed in a teaching capacity.  These certificates are not easy to get, and have educational and testing requirements.  They are required to ensure that those teaching New Jersey students have the requisite skills.  Without them teachers cannot teach.  However, teaching3-225x300 certificates may be suspended or revoked for multiple reasons.

What are the grounds for teacher certificate revocation or suspension in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, teacher certificates can be revoked or suspended due to unbecoming conduct, inefficiency, incapacity among other reasons.  Teaching certificates may also be suspended when teachers leave their job without completing the contractual term of employment without the board of education’s consent.

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New Jersey employment law requires teachers and other public education employees to hold teaching certificates, or other certificates as appropriate to the position, as a prerequisite to holding their job.  A New Jersey appeals court recently examined the legal principles involved when the New Jersey State Board of Examiners determines whether to suspend or revoke a teacher’s teachingnational-gallery-of-art-1380105-m-300x248 certificates in the case of In the Matter of the Certificates of Rita O’Malley by the State Board of Examiners.


Rita O’Malley was a special education teacher.  She held several teaching certificates.  She was employed by the Woodbridge Township School District as a Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (“LDTC”), for which she was licensed,.  She tested students, diagnosed learning disabilities, developed individualized education plans (or “IEPs”), and provided guidance to parents and educators on the best programs for those students.

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